Nhu Loan Update her FACEBOOK!!!

i have been quite a busy bee lately. just realized that i have not been on here as often as before. hope you all know that i’m still reading and feeling the love. i just cant post and comment too much from my phone. I miss you, think of u always, and always…..love u. just want to wish you all a lovely weekend. i’m on my way to Calgary today and it’s sunny there. YAY!!!!!! ♥

Nhu Loan @Hong Ngoc’s Live Show

Lam Truong, Nhu Loan and Dan Truong.


Nhu Loan’s Performance in PBN 103




She was flawless up on the beautiful and bright stage, with her beautiful pink dress . The dress looks really normal but to me its very attractive. I love how her lovely hair is blowing softly to her back. The stage setting was really nice, I love how all the dancers wear pink. It really attracted the eyes of viewers.

Yeu (Van Phung) PBN 103 lyrics

Yêu là lòng bâng khuâng
nhớ hay thương một chiều thu vương
gió êm đưa xào xạc tre thưa
lá rơi rơi, rơi tả tơi

Yêu là tình dâng cao
gió lao xao ngả hàng phi lau
phút ái ân đắm say tâm hồn
nhớ mãi đêm nào bên nhau

Thôi yêu dấu mà chi
ngày vui sẽ bỗng đôi lòng chia xa
hồn tàn hơi buốt giá
khi mùa xuân qua úa phai ngàn hoa

Nhớ thương bao nhiêu một người thân yêu
đã đi xa về miền hoang liêu
những trang thư là hành trang theo
cố nhân ơi giận hờn chi nhau

Yêu là thêm thương đau
với xót xa lệ tình khôn lau
biết nói sao những khi âu sầu
những khi uá nhầu tâm tư

Nhu Loan’s Note

most popular question from fans: Nhu Loan, where do you shop?

my answer: mainly Forever 21 (my whole outfit on profile pic is from there, including the sandals, except my purse :-). H&M, TopShop in the UK, and Zara. It’s not where you shop, it’s what u buy. i just don’t like to spend too much money on clothes cuz the styles change. i’d rather spend money on food, family, friends and holidays. Also to save up for my future plans. Dont get me wrong, i truly appreciate designer pieces. i just dont think i need it yet. maybe later…maybe never hihihi. although, sometimes i do indulge in purses, cuz after all, im still a girl 🙂 and purses last!!!! but even so, i do also just buy cheap trendy purses that would look cute with certain outfits or good for traveling use.

another question would be: Nhu Loan, what kind of make up do you use?

my answer: Don’t laugh but i use this Kirkland eye shadow thingy from Costco. it costs 15 bucks, comes in 4 brown/neutral colors and lasts me for over a year. i stock that up and im good. im not good with make up at all so there’s no use for me to buy different colors from Mac and end up looking like a clown. for my skin, i dont use foundation at all (only when we do video taping). for all my live shows, i only use Mineral powder and i apply with a flat brush instead of the one it comes with. the flat brush allows me to apply very minimal amount so that i look natural. But in all honestly, the most important thing is to have nice skin to begin with. and for that, i wash my face daily with a face brush (reallyy soft one), and use moisturizer night and day. sometimes i use ProActive if i feel like my skin is in danger of getting  bumps. that’s it. and false lashes when i sing or go out. 🙂 Also, im blind so i wear contacts. the brand is FreshLook in brown 🙂

another popular question is : Nhu Loan, you are always happy, are u ever sad?

my answer: yes, i am a human being, i do have my sad moments. but i do get over it really fast cuz i dont like to dwell on things that are negative, things that i can’t change or don’t wanna change. i’d rather spend my time trying to fix things and move on.  i’m happy because i grew up in a veryyyyyy positive family, filled with love and laughters. i have great friends who i love and love me in return. i have a great job filled with adventures that allows to  meet the coolest fans. i do have a great life so why should i be sad? most times im sad because the people i love is sad, but for myself, rarely. although, as happy as i am, i would be much happier once i get to have a happy family of my own. so im working on that 🙂 

i hope this note satisfies some of ur curiosities. some of you want me to create a blog but i really have no time and i have too many email accounts, facebook accounts and such already so if i have to keep tab on another one, im gonna die. LOL. plus, im not good at giving advice. i only know what i know and live the way i know best for myself. if you have questions, just ask me and i will do my best to answer u personally but i can’t be the one to tell someone how to live, cuz im learning myself.  trials and errors, hihihi.

although, here’s one that i think works for me: try ur best to help people, anyone, even a stranger, if you can, even if you know that they wouldn’t do the same for u. from small little things like holding doors, picking up stuff they drop, lend a pen, a hand, take a photo for them, help carry things,  etc. and always do it with a smile 🙂 it’s will be good for ur soul.

have a lovely day everyone. I’m in a happy mood hihihi. can u tell??? LOL 

with love,


Daily Loey

Loey: the last time i was at the gym was a couple of years ago. so it’s time to start again cuz i’m getting olddddd!!! LOLI got a phone call a few days ago from 24HR Fitness asking me if i wanna renew my membership. To verify that it was my account, the girl was telling me my birth date, address and the last time i was at the gym. she then paused and said ” umm wow, you have not been to our gym for a while!!!”  ahhahha I was embarrassed. LOL. making time for Gym sessions now eventhough i can’t make it to the big gym. Burn baby burn!!!

Nhu Loan’s Facebook


Welcome to Nhu Loan's fansite, the best place to stop and read all of Nhu Loan's news and updates. Please noted that I'm not Nhu Loan, just a fan who created this site. Thanks for visiting and leave a comment!! Lillian
July 2011